BSE / SENSEX OPTIONS trades not reflecting correctly in pnl reports

@iamshrimohan @Poornima
I traded in BSE/ SENSEX options on 11/08/2023 expiry. The pnl statements are still showing the trades as open though the contracts expired on the same day.
So, the pnl statements are not reflecting the correct profits.
The ledge entries are ok

@Hiya Usually when the contracts expire OTM, they are not booked in as trade as per say. Hence, they will show as open. However ill check this with the team and get back to you on this.

The other expired contracts are showing net quantities as zero.
Its only with the sensex options introduced last week which is leading to this error.
Maybe the backoffice needs some modifications

@Hiya possibly, ill ask my tech team to look into this.

Oh I just noted that Sensex and Bankex fno has been enabled in Dhan. Thanks Dhan team :pray:

We did the first batch last week, and more now. Next week we should open Sensex F&O for all users.

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@PravinJ , as highlighted the pnl reports aren’t reflecting the Sensex/ BSE trades correctly. Even the expired contracts are being shown as open leading to incorrect total pnl.
Kindly get it rectified

@Hiya can you please share your UCC over DM?

@iamshrimohan Even for me the PnL statement has expired sensex position open. Pls fix.